Requesting a Budget Adjustment
Sheila manages an investment plan whose implementation is important and critical. However, she needs more budget for a successful implementation. Sheila therefore requests a budget adjustment.
If you are on the Budget tab:
in the Panel column inline with the investment plan whose budget you want to adjust.
Click Request Transfer at the top of the panel.
The Roll-up panel opens.
If you are on the Investments tab:
Make sure this is the investment plan whose budget you want to adjust. If not navigate to the appropriate plan.
Click Request Transfer above the grid.
Enter the amount that should be adjusted. If you want to reduce the budget, enter a negative number. e.g. -10,000.00.
Make sure you have selected the correct currency.
In the Type field, select Adjustment.
In the To field, select the investment plan whose budget is to be adjusted.
In the field right to the To field, select the according budget attribute.
Optional: Enter a description in the field at the bottom of the dialog.
Click Send.
The Request a transfer dialog is opened.
You have request a budget adjustment.